
HCP - Home Support Package

  • You can apply - My Aged Care
  • Or Your doctor can refer- Send a recommendation to the local branch of My Aged Care (Federal Government)
  • Or My Way can help you apply.

My Aged Care > Sends out an assessor from local My Aged Care for a home visit.

My Aged Care Assessor > Recommends $ Level of Home Care Package based on an assessment of your needs.

My Aged Care Approval > Once approved, you will be added to a list and notified when the package commences.

After Approval You Contact Centrelink > They send our online financial statements to complete. This is a big paperwork job. Family or My Way can help you fill out.

Centrelink Decide What $ You Contribute > This is means-tested, taking into consideration your income.

Contribution Clarified by Centrelink | This clarification can take several weeks.

My Way - Once these processes are resolved, My Way can organise your support.

A mud map of how to get to My Way's Rockingham branch