Home Care Fees

Home Care Package Pricing

A participant’s budget depends on the level of HCP funding allocated by the government. The budget estimates below are approximate figures for the potential funding a participant might receive. Funding varies for each person based on individual circumstances.

My Way will collaborate with clients to determine an appropriate level of services that can be provided within the allocated budget. Out-of-pocket contributions from clients are discussed if necessary.

For more detailed information, visit our fees page on the My Aged Care website, where you will find;

  • Quick Costs Checker
  • Home Care Package Funding
  • Basic Daily Fee Paid By You To My Way
  • Management Fee
  • Service Costs
  • Pricing Schedule


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Home Care budget per annum$10,687.20$18,793.85$40,905.55$62,013.50
Home Care budget per fortnight$411$723$1,573$2,385
Hours of care per year113198431653
Care hours per fortnight481620

Care Management Fee

The care management fee covers the cost of ensuring the appropriate level of support is provided to the consumer. This includes costs associated with regular reviews of the care plan and service coordination to ensure services delivered are in line with the consumer’s goals and objectives.

Package Management Fee

The package management fee covers the cost of activities that ensure smooth delivery and management of the client’s Home Care package, including preparation of monthly statements, compliance requirements, and quality assurance activities.

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Care management fee per month$124.68$219.26$477.23$723.49
Package management fee per month$89.06$156.62$340.88$516.78
Care management hours per month1223
Self Management Fees$124.68$219.26$477.23$723.49

Services Delivered by My Way Community Alliance Ltd.

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Personal Care$70$77$105$140$168
Daily Living Activities$70$77$105$140$168
Allied Health$160$180$220$240$280
Light Gardening$70$77$105$140$168
In-Home Respite$75$83$112$150$180

Staff Travel Cost

This is a travel cost for the support worker to visit the consumer’s location or accompany consumers to appointments. Support staff travel costs can be billed at $1 per kilometre.


Personal Care

This includes help with daily personal care needs such as getting in and out of bed, bathing, medication administration, etc.

Nursing Care

This may include wound care/management, medication administration, general health assessment for example, blood pressure tests, etc.

Daily Living Activities

This may include appointment visits, shopping, cleaning, meal preparation, and other household tasks.

Allied Health

This may include Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Behavioural Support, etc.

Light Gardening

This may include help with watering the garden, light weed removal, mowing, etc.

In-House Respite

This involves short team support provided in the client’s home, for example, in situations where the carer is away for a short time.

A mud map of how to get to My Way's Rockingham branch