All About International Day of People with Disabilities

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Did you celebrate the International Day of People with Disabilities on December 3?

At My Way, the International Day of People with Disabilities is special for us because we work with many people with a disability. We get to see the challenges and victories up close day after day. We get to witness extraordinary resilience and determination. So we think it’s worth pausing to look deeper at the event and its purpose.

Photos from our special day to celebrate:

What is the International Day of People with Disabilities?

International Day of People with Disabilities is an annual event observed on December 3. The purpose of the day is to promote the rights and well-being of people with disabilities and to raise awareness about the challenges that they face. The day celebrates the contributions and achievements of those people.

How is the International Day of People with Disabilities celebrated?

The day is celebrated around the world with a variety of events. Some of the common ways that the day is marked include:

  • Organising events and activities that promote the rights of people with disabilities and raise awareness about the challenges they face
  • Holding conferences and seminars on disability-related topics
  • Encouraging people with disabilities to share their stories and experiences
  • Showcasing the talents and achievements of people with disabilities through art, music, and other forms of expression
  • Conducting advocacy campaigns to push for greater inclusion and equality for people with disabilities
  • Partnering with organisations that support people with disabilities to provide services and resources

Overall, the goal of International Day of People with Disabilities is to bring attention to the issues that people with disabilities face and to celebrate their many contributions to society.

Who organises the event?

The United Nations (UN) is the leading organisation that promotes the International Day of People with Disabilities. The UN is a global organisation that aims to promote international cooperation and address global challenges. Established in 1945, the UN has 193 member states.

The UN General Assembly first declared December 3 as the International Day of People with Disabilities in 1992. It aims to promote the rights and well-being of people with disabilities and raise awareness about the challenges faced by those with a disability.

The UN also supports the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This international treaty sets out the rights of people with disabilities and the obligations of states to protect and promote those rights.

In addition to the UN, many other organisations and groups contribute to the planning and execution of the International Day of People with Disabilities. These can include national governments, non-governmental organisations, and community groups, among others.

Globally, how many people live with a disability?

It’s difficult to determine the exact number of people who live with a disability because there’s no universal definition of disability, and disability rates can vary depending on the measurement method and the population studied.

According to estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 15% of the world’s population, or around 1 billion people, live with some form of disability. This includes people who have physical, sensory, intellectual, and mental health disabilities, among others.

The WHO also notes that people with disabilities are more likely to experience certain health conditions and barriers to healthcare, education, and employment, among other things. They are also more likely to experience discrimination and stigma, which can impact their overall quality of life.

Overall, it is clear that people with disabilities make up a significant portion of the world’s population and face many challenges that need addressing to support their rights and well-being.

We at My Way are proud to support, promote, and uphold the care needs and rights of people living with a disability. We stand with their families and carers. This day is special for them, and it is extraordinary for us. We are all part of a massive global network, striving for change and, day by day, achieving that change. Definitely something worth celebrating.

Find out more

If you’d like to find out more about the International Day of People with Disabilities, here is a link to a UN video about the event: International Day of People with Disabilities.


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