NDIS Home Nursing Support: Where You Are The Ultimate Priority

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You’ve been thinking about needing home nursing care as part of your NDIS plan, but you are worried about what that will be like. Maybe you’ve had bad experiences in the past, and you’d like to find something better.

We’ve observed two distinct approaches to nursing care. One is task-oriented and medically centred, focusing on specific procedures like dressing changes or catheter care. The other, which we follow, is more person-centred. In our model, you, your needs, and your goals are the priority. We invest time in understanding what matters to you because you are at the heart of our nursing care.

Let me elaborate on the style of nursing we provide. We are dedicated to learning about your priorities and how our team can best support you in achieving your important goals. Your needs and preferences are our top priority, and we are committed to understanding them fully.

For example, your goal might be to heal a particular wound. We’ll work closely with you to think about all the things that help achieve that. We’ll look at issues like diet, stress levels, and sleep, which can impact wound healing. We can also help you identify simple changes to your routine that will help recovery.

We’ll also carefully consider what your support team can do to help. We’ll train them so that they understand your condition, your goals, and what they can do to assist. For example, in the case of wound healing, they’ll be trained in proper hand hygiene and how to identify any sign of infection early so it gets immediate attention.

In this way, you’ll feel like a team supports you. These people will speak to you in plain language and keep medical jargon minimal. They will listen to you and think carefully about ways to support you, always with understanding and empathy. For example, if you are experiencing pressure wounds, our network of Allied Health professionals can investigate a mattress that could prevent those injuries in the future.

Sometimes, you might get a new diagnosis. This news can be overwhelming, particularly if you have ongoing challenges in other areas. It would help if you didn’t feel alone at times like this. We will bring your team into the office for training about your new condition. They will learn about the practical home and nursing care you need to address this new challenge.

We are always available to address your medical concerns or provide reassurance about any health-related anxieties. We often find solutions that allow you to avoid long waits at the hospital. Instead of dealing with unfamiliar faces, you can rely on the support of a team that knows and respects you.

Our priority is you and what matters to you. If you’d like to experience this type of nursing support, please get in touch. We’d happily arrange home nursing service as part of your NDIS plan.


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